Car insurance is probably the most common type of insurance, however several variables can influence your premium. Do you know the factors that influence the price of your car insurance?

Automobile insurance is divided into two sections, Chapter A and Chapter B.

Chapter A represents your civil liability, it protects third parties from any damage caused by your vehicle during an at-fault accident. This chapter is mandatory in Quebec for a minimum of 50 000$

Chapter B represents protection on your own vehicle. This protection can be separated into several categories (all risks, collision and spill only, without collision or spill (fire, theft, vandalism, broken glass, etc.).

Other protections can be added to your policy using endorsements such as (replacement value, personal insurance, etc.)

Did you know that several elements can significantly reduce your premium? Here are some examples:

  • Add a protection system to your vehicle (marking or tracking system)
  • Have your home and auto insurance with the same insurer
  • Be the owner of the vehicle
  • Have a hybrid vehicle
  • Have a university degree or be part of a professional order

Your insurer also takes the time to assess your good behavior. To do this, he consults your file statement, in the Central Automobile Claims File (FCSA) – a public file to which you also have access.

The central file lists the claims in which you have been involved over the last six years, whether you were responsible or not. For example, an accident, a broken windshield, theft, etc. Insurers consult the central file to determine the risk you represent as a driver.

To obtain your file statement, complete the form for this purpose and send it to the Groupement des assureurs automobiles.